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What is WASH?

WASH is a collective term, commonly used in international development organ- isations. It stands for “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene”.

Part of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Many meetings about human rights, poverty, environment and the vulnerable have been going on for years. The concrete actions set by the UN in the millennium goals were formed around measurable targets. For sub-Saharan Africa, the targets were not met although the task of getting improved drinking water showed good progress. For the basic sanitation there was poor progress or even deterioration.

Post 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The aim of this UN initiative is by 2030 to have transformed our world by ending poverty and hunger, improving health and education, making cities more sustain- able, combating climate change and protecting oceans and forests. 17 ambitious goals with 169 targets covering a broad range of issues were adopted by the UN General

It is often far from the water source to the home.

Girls collect and bring water to their homes before going to school in the mornings.
Assembly in September 2015. “Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation” means that Water and Sanitation now has its own goal with 8 targets. WASH experts have stated that without progress on Goal 6, many of the other goals and targets cannot be achieved.

WASH in Mulanje

Water for All and ADRA are working in alignment with the UN Agenda for 2030. In the Mulanje District, it is a daily struggle for the population to get clean and potable water for their most basic needs. Often, women have been away from home for several hours but are still coming home with dirty water. They know that there is a high risk for family members, especially young children, of becoming sick and even dying, but they have no alternative.

WASH and women

WASH issues are most important for women and girls. They shoulder the largest burden in water collection. Addressing the WASH needs can provide direct and in- direct benefits for the entire community, including health, education and economic productivity. For girls, that time could be spent in school instead of collecting water.

When latrines are not available in households, women and girls will seek privacy after dark to defecate outside, exposing themselves to a greater risk of harassment and sexual assault. In addition, a lack of single-gender sanitation facilities in schools results in low levels of full attendance among girls, especially for those who have reached puberty and are menstruating.

Om stiftelsen

Peter Wallenberg Water for All Foundation erbjuder medfinansiering till projekt som ger långsiktig tillgång till rent dricksvatten via ett nätverk av lokala Water for All-organisationer. Stiftelsen är en del av Wallenbergstiftelserna som grundats och vars kapital donerats av – eller bildats genom insamling till hedrande av – medlemmar i familjen Wallenberg.



Peter Wallenberg Water 
for All Foundation 
Box 16066 
103 22 Stockholm  
